An Intervention?

So, I had an exciting (read: annoying as hell) critique today. One person said that parts of my piece were extraneous and looked like accessories and yet another said that my piece looked like a sidewalk sale. There were other annoying things said but why rehash it.
Anyhow, the assignment was to do a public intervention while commiting an act of subtle artistic terrorism. The piece I did is a comment on a book I have been reading called "Dispatches", a Veitnam War memoir. Focusing on a part of the book where the author mentions the impromtu funeral services where soldiers would line up the boots of the dead and say a prayer, while the bodies themselves would be discarded into random piles and transported on helicoptors, I put my own shoes in the crosswalk at Scott and Geary and documented it. I'm really interested in how material objects, like shoes, can be representative of a person's existence. When you see an empty pair of shoes, the absence of the body that 'belongs' in them is readily apparent. When we get right down to it the history of inanimate objects is pretty fascinating too...the way an object experiences life right along with you and facilitates your own forward mobility, physically and intellectually.